Codes with disruptive functions: Some JavaScript code will dynamically copy (backup) your schema code. not in the source code but in the rendered version. For example, if you see the phrase _ngcontent-serverapp-c67 in your codes, you may have encountered the problem of Duplicate field "FAQPage " in the search console and the way to fix it . Plugins: Another reason that can be stated in this section for creating the problem of Duplicate field "FAQPage " in the search console and the way to fix it is multiple plugins. This problem usually occurs when you install multiple SEO plugins. For example, you may have manually added the FAQ schema code to the page. Then define these frequently asked questions unintentionally through SEO plugins such as RankMath, Yoast SEO or Schema Pro, etc. In such a case, the error of duplicating the fields of this structured data is displayed.
Theme: If you use a non-standard theme or download it from an untrusted site, similar India Part Time Job Seekers Phone Number List problems can be observed. It is also possible that malicious codes have been created in template files, such as php, which will lead to the copying of schema codes. The solution to fix the Duplicate field FAQPage error How to fix Duplicate FAQPage error Now it's time to fully talk about solving the problem of Duplicate field "FAQPage " in search console and how to fix it . In this regard, repeat the following steps: First, you can click on this error in the Why items are invalid section by visiting the Enhancements section and selecting the FAQ option. Now click on the word "LEARN MORE" on the new page. In the following, you will be directed to a new page where complete information about this structured data and how to code it is explained with an example. Now, in this part of the search console, you can see the list of pages with duplicate FAQPage problems.

Click on each row. When you do this, you will see a pop-up from the right menu that will show you the problem codes. In this section, you can see the duplicate codes displayed on the page rendered by the Google bot. Once you have identified the offending codes, you can now proceed to remove them. Also, in this section, you can understand the source of duplicate code creation by viewing surrounding codes. For example, duplicate codes may be caused by a series of plugins. Go to your site page and remove codes or disable duplicate schemas caused by plugins. Finally, after making the settings, go back to the search page of the console and click on the "Validate Fix" option. After a few days, Google bots will start crawling your site again. Note: Note that some plugins have the ability to automatically apply a specific schema to all pages. Considering this feature, always check the use of this feature in your plugins.