Name Email As we say here at Sales Funnel : Before wanting to succeed in any area, examine what will lead you to failure. If you just prevent this from happening, that's it! You will already be successful. After a study of more than 3,500 companies from 2016 to 2018, we concluded that they had very unusual pain points. By measuring the results and evolution of these companies, we came to a synthesis of the four main challenges in the commercial area that trigger a series of complications. Basically, they represent 80% of the obstacles to achieving sales goals, see below. 1 . Lack of sales process 2. Lack of indicators 3. Lack of commercial productivity 4. Lack of predictability How to avoid these sales mistakes? 1. Lack of sales process As incredible as it may seem, almost all the companies analyzed do not have a sales process or if they do, they do not follow it in a regulated manner. This is due to the fact that, unfortunately, the sales process is almost always the last to be planned and once designed it ends up becoming extremely rigid over the years. Many managers suffer from “growth sickness”, when the process is not designed in a simple and structured way, they are unable to scale the sales machine . Its salespeople are just order takers, they are constantly lost in delivering results and it is difficult for the manager to place another professional in the same mold as the one with the highest performance. The lack of a sales process also causes the most common problem for teams that do not reach targets , the loss of opportunities due to lack of follow-up .
Lack of indicators In sales funnel CRM implementation training, a Colombia Mobile Number List provocative example is used: Would you get on a plane knowing that there is no control panel and that the pilot is blind? If you are in good health, you will certainly not embark on this trip because you will be aware that this plane is not even capable of taking off. The exercise continues with another question: How do you run your own company, your sales and how do you manage your team? Only a madman will act blindly and lead the entire team to fall. It's a good thing you don't fall into this situation, as you are aware of your intellectual capacity and the responsibility that a good commercial manager has. Always keep in mind that you are a kind of life saver! Your team needs your leadership to take off and fly safely, without the risk of falling. The leader here has to be able to manage financial, social and human indicators. If, on the one hand, indicators or numbers are often scary, remember that without them there will be no control, but failure will certainly happen. Only based on your indicators is it possible to trace your course of actions and define the right moment for each of them. Otherwise, your death warrant will be signed.

Lack of commercial productivity When talking to customers about the Sales Funnel , an analogy is made, where sales is like a machine – on one side, raw material enters, which are leads, prospects, customers, etc., on the other, closed deals, contracts, etc., come out. Therefore, when a sales team is not aligned with the processes and indicators, it will not produce at the appropriate pace for demand and many opportunities will be wasted. Therefore, there will be no point in marketing feeding the Sales Funnel , if the commercial team does not follow up with pre-sales and sales, this will only pollute the results and radically reduce conversion rates. 4. Lack of predictability How many opportunities will it be necessary to prospect per month to reach the target? So it is! This is a simple question from a statistical point of view, but if there is no sales process, if there are no indicators and even if there is no minimum production to analyze the information, how do you know which or how many opportunities could be prospected? This is all essential to guarantee your predictability. Predictability is also linked to several factors , such as financial results; number of opportunities; visits to your website; alignment with marketing; definition of the sales professional; team training etc. How to avoid these sales mistakes? As with everything in our lives, technology is just the means.