People don't want a drill, they want a hole in the wall. ( Rachel Botsman )Exchange and sharing of goods and services provided by others/peers : the key words that define the "collaborative economy".However, defining the sharing economy unambiguously is very difficult since it is a new market characterized by the reorganization of supply and demand and in which a key role is played by people.Digital platforms that bring "peers" - and not only - into contact to share, exchange, rent, rent goods, time, space are increasingly important as regards the.
Italian panorama and it is a good idea to try to stay updated on what Special Data this entails.We all have experience with these platforms, which we often use without awareness. Examples of platforms based on the collaborative economy are AirBnB, Uber, BlaBlaCar, etc.In 2017 Collaboriamo created an accurate mapping of collaborative platforms .In the report we are proposing you have instead portrayed the situation of the Italian sharing economy with interesting data and ideas that highlight not only some problems but also growth possibilities that have not yet been taken into consideration.Unfortunately, at the moment, the risk of taking part in sharing economy services may outweigh the benefit and this is partly why many platforms fail to take off.
We're keeping upThese startups have also become vehicles of reputation and trust. We have already talked about how the authenticity conveyed by a brand is increasingly relevant in 2019 for consumers to trust a brand.For this reason, participation in sharing economy services is constantly growing.Yes, even in Italy.sharing economy and insuranceSo to see us in more detail we leave you the report below which will conveniently arrive in your email.