Big data is also relied upon to extract information that helps in studying the motives of crime preventing natural disasters or at most preparing for them in an appropriate mer that reduces their danger to people. Humanity. The reason why the volume of data is doubling at a rapid rate is due to the proliferation of devices that users interact with which depend on the Internet even if only in a small way. In the beginning it was limited to desktop and laptop computers then it expanded to include a huge number of mobile devices especially with the release of the Android system.
Which was the basic nucleus for the emergence of tablets then smart televisions all the way to devices that depend on the Internet of Things such as smart refrigerators smart cars or any electronic device that connects to the IntBelgium WhatsApp Number Dataernet and has a simple user interface that contains private data that the user interacts with. As for companies or commercial and economic dealing with big data... all the devices we mentioned previously send their data in one way or another sometimes with permission from the user and sometimes without permission to their manufacturing companies.
Which in turn analyzes this data with the aim of obtaining information about the users interaction with the product his satisfaction with it dissatisfaction with one of its characteristics more details about his willingness to buy this product again or improved versions of it and any information that can be used to predict the users behavior in the future towards this product. The product or its brand . of big data Stock exchange trading data. NASA data.